What IS IM?
Integrative medicine is a medical therapy which combines alternative and conventional medicine.
Do you have to see a doctor for integrative medicine?
You should always seek a physician for medical advice, but there are many other ways of using integrative medicine.
What are some ways of self-practice in IM?
Some ways are lymph draining or stretching for muscles that seize and knot up
Integrative medicine is a way of life! Why take an aspirin for a headache when you can learn pressure points to relieve it?
Food is another way of healing - learning your body's language and healing from within is another type of medical therapy. "I have a 93 year old client who now does water aerobics every day... when I met her she was having issues with arthritis", Says Heather regarding the successes of integrative medicine. Of course, her client had a conventional hip replacement, but the healing process of adding in different foods, massage therapy, and breathe work, show Heather that these techniques are helping clients.